The overview map is located in the Content/Jawadato/FurnaceSteamRobot/Examples/Overview/Maps directory.
Likely you have another Jawadato asset/blueprint pack already present in your project. There are some common uasset files which are shared between the different Jawadato packs. Under normal circumstances, these assets get overwritten when you add another pack to the same project. Since these assets remain the same across all different Jawadato packs, it’s not an issue to overwrite them as these assets are not meant to be modified by the end user. However, sometimes, if you have any assets/blueprints open in the editor that are using the underlying shared uasset files or if you in the process of modifying such files then the overwrite will not succeed when you add the new asset pack. The obvious solution is to close the project then simply add the asset pack to your project from the launcher then reopen your project. On the other hand, if you are using the FAB plugin to add the assets to your project instead of the launcher then as it currently stands, the editor needs to remain open for the FAB plugin to function so it’s not an option to close the project. It this circumstance, close all asset/blueprint windows then create a new, blank level. Then, for good measures, open this blank level and hit play to start the level so that the memory is flushed. Stop the play and remain in the blank level. Now you should be able to add the asset pack into your project from the FAB plugin and the overwrite of the common assets should succeed.FAQ
Where is the Overview Map located?
Why does it fail when I try to add the assets to my project either from the launcher or from the FAB plugin?
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